Explain how to use hundredths grid to solve 1.86 - 0.75

To use a hundredths grid to solve 1.86 - 0.75, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a hundredths grid on a piece of paper. A hundredths grid is a 10x10 grid with 100 squares representing 1 whole.

Step 2: Shade in 86 of the squares to represent 1.86. Start by shading 10 rows of 10 squares, which represents 1 whole, and then shade an additional 8 columns, which will represent the 0.8 part. Each row or column will represent 0.01.

Step 3: Shade in 75 of the squares to represent 0.75. Start by shading 7 rows of 10 squares, which represents 0.7, and then shade an additional 5 columns, which will represent the 0.05 part. Each row or column will represent 0.01.

Step 4: Count the remaining shaded squares. In this case, you will have 11 shaded squares, representing 0.11.

Step 5: Take the whole numbers of each decimal and subtract them. In this case, subtract 1 from 0, resulting in 0.

Step 6: Subtract the tenths from each other. In this case, subtract 0.8 from 0.7, resulting in 0.1.

Step 7: Subtract the hundredths from each other. In this case, subtract 0.06 from 0.05, resulting in 0.01.

Step 8: Combine the results from the previous steps. In this case, combine 0 (whole number), 0.1 (tenths), and 0.01 (hundredths). The final answer is 0.11.

By using a hundredths grid, you can visually represent the numbers and their respective decimal places, making it easier to subtract decimals accurately.