First set of data – wages:

Food Prep/Cashier: $8.40/hr (25 employees)
Assistant Manager: $9.25/hr (4 employees)
Manager: $16.00/hr (2 employees)
Owner: $45.00/hr (1 person)
1) Create a Frequency table (1 point) 2) Create an Histogram (1 point)(Label axis)
Wages Frequency
$8.01 -$15.00
$15.01 - $22.00
$22.01 - $29.00
$29.01 - $36.00
$36.01 - $43.00
$43.01 - $50.00
3) Create a Box-and-Whisker Plot (1 point)(Include all labels for full credit)
4) Find the measures of central tendency – Mean, Median & Mode (SHOW ALL WORK) (2 points)
Mean:______________ Median:_____________ Mode:_____________
Second set of data – Test Scores:
81 70 73 89 68 79 91 59 77 73 80 75 88 65 82 94 77 67 82
1) Create a Frequency table (1 point) 2) Create an Histogram (1 point)(label axis)
Test Scores Frequency
51 – 60
61 – 70
71 – 80
81 – 90
91 – 100
3) Create a Box-and-Whisker Plot (1 point)(Include all labels for full credit)
4) Find the measures of central tendency – Mean, Median & Mode (SHOW ALL WORK) (2 points)
Mean:____________ Median:_____________ Mode:____________
Reflecting and Evaluating (2 points): For EACH set of data, DESCRIBE which measure of central tendency is
the most useful and explain why.
Wages: Test Scores:

To answer the question, we will go through each step and explain how to approach it.

1) Create a Frequency Table:
For the wages data set, we need to categorize the wages into different ranges and count the frequency within each range.

Frequency Table for Wages:
Range Frequency
$8.01 - $15.00 ______
$15.01 - $22.00 ______
$22.01 - $29.00 ______
$29.01 - $36.00 ______
$36.01 - $43.00 ______
$43.01 - $50.00 ______

To complete the frequency table, we will count how many employees fall within each wage range.

2) Create a Histogram:
A histogram is a graph that represents the data using bars, where the height of each bar represents the frequency or count of data points falling within a specific range.

To create a histogram, we will label the x-axis with the wage ranges and the y-axis with the frequency.

3) Create a Box-and-Whisker Plot:
A box-and-whisker plot is a visual representation of the five-number summary of a data set (minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, maximum).

To create a box-and-whisker plot, we will:
- Label the x-axis as "Wages"
- Create a number line that spans the range of wages
- Mark the minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, and maximum values with lines or dots.

4) Find the measures of central tendency - Mean, Median, Mode:
- Mean: Add up all the wages and divide by the total number of employees.
- Median: Arrange the wages in ascending order and find the middle value. If there are two middle values, calculate the average.
- Mode: Identify the value(s) that appear most frequently.

For the wages data set, calculate the mean, median, and mode of the wages.

Mean: _____________
Median: _____________
Mode: _____________

Repeat the above steps for the test scores data set:
1) Create a Frequency Table
2) Create a Histogram
3) Create a Box-and-Whisker Plot
4) Find the measures of central tendency - Mean, Median, Mode

After completing all the steps and finding the measures of central tendency for both data sets, you can reflect and evaluate the usefulness of each measure.

For each set of data, describe which measure of central tendency is the most useful and explain why.

so, how far did you get?

Did you put your data into any of several handy online box-whisker plotters?