What motivated the United States to engage in the War of 1812? (Select all that apply.)

1. French restrictions on international commerce
2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States
3. the blockade of interstate trade by the British
4. restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain
5. the impressment of American sailors by the British

My answers are 2, 4 and 5 but I am unsure about 4.

2, 4, 5 - yes

Your answers of 2 and 5 are correct. The motivations for the United States to engage in the War of 1812 were:

1. French restrictions on international commerce: This is not a correct answer. The war was primarily motivated by issues with Britain, not France.

2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States: This is a correct answer. British support for Native American tribes against American expansion was seen as a threat to U.S. sovereignty.

3. The blockade of interstate trade by the British: This is not a correct answer. The British did impose restrictions on American trade, but it was primarily through the Orders in Council, not a blockade of interstate trade.

4. Restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain: This is not a correct answer. Although the British did impose trade restrictions on the United States, it was not a main motivation for the war.

5. The impressment of American sailors by the British: This is a correct answer. The impressment of American sailors into the British Navy, as well as other violations of American maritime rights, played a significant role in motivating the United States to declare war.

To determine the motivations of the United States to engage in the War of 1812, let's analyze each option:

1. French restrictions on international commerce: This option is incorrect. The question specifically refers to the United States' motivations, and French restrictions did not directly impact US interests or provoke the war.

2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States: This option is correct. One of the motivations for the United States to engage in the War of 1812 was British support for Native American tribes opposing US expansion into their territories. The Americans believed that the British were arming and encouraging Native American resistance, which threatened American interests.

3. The blockade of interstate trade by the British: This option is incorrect. The question refers to the motivations behind the US engagement in the war, not British actions during the war.

4. Restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain: This option is correct. The British imposed a series of restrictions on US trade, including the Orders in Council, which restricted American neutral trade with France, and the impressment of American sailors. These actions were seen as violations of American sovereignty and led to increased tensions between the two countries.

5. The impressment of American sailors by the British: This option is correct. Impressment, the practice of forcibly enlisting American sailors into the British Navy, was one of the key factors that motivated the United States to declare war. American sailors' rights were being violated, and this created popular support for going to war against Britain.

Therefore, the correct options among the given choices are 2, 4, and 5: British assistance with Native American conflicts, restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain, and the impressment of American sailors by the British.