What was the effect of the Embargo Act of 1807?

A) Southern plantation owners were made rich due to the taxation of foreign cotton.
B) Northern merchants suffered from having to compete with European goods.
C) Heavy taxation on imported British goods led to an increase in the national surplus.
D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.

I think the answer is either B or D,
But I am not sure about D because in my reading another act, I cannot remember the name of it, it was put into place after the Embargo one, where it said that both the Embargo Act and the new act had caused the American economy to be destroyed.

The correct answer is D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.

To determine the effect of the Embargo Act of 1807, we can analyze the options and eliminate the incorrect ones.

A) The Embargo Act did not lead to Southern plantation owners getting rich due to the taxation of foreign cotton. In fact, the act aimed to restrict trade with foreign nations, including the export of cotton, and therefore would not have benefited plantation owners.

B) This option is correct. The Embargo Act of 1807 heavily restricted trade, particularly with Europe, which negatively impacted Northern merchants. These merchants depended on trade with European countries and suffered from being unable to compete with European goods.

C) The option stating heavy taxation on imported British goods leading to an increase in the national surplus is not an accurate assessment of the Embargo Act's effects. The act was not primarily focused on taxation but on the prohibition of trade with foreign nations.

D) You are correct that another act, called the Non-Intercourse Act of 1809, replaced the Embargo Act. This act reopened trade with all nations except Britain and France. However, the Embargo Act itself had a devastating effect on the American economy because it led to a near-total halt in trade between the United States and Europe. American merchants, ship owners, and farmers experienced significant economic losses as a result.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the correct answer is D) Trade between the United States and Europe halted, devastating the American economy.