Which of the following is false about the eclectic approach to guiding children?

A. It allows one to do the same activities each day.
B. It's individualized.

C. It's flexible.

D. It relies on a teacher's personal strengths.

my answer is A.

Yes, A.

The opposite of "eclectic."

To determine which of the following statements is false about the eclectic approach to guiding children, let's examine each option:

A. "It allows one to do the same activities each day."
This statement suggests that the eclectic approach involves repeating the same activities daily, which is not accurate.

B. "It's individualized."
This statement is true about the eclectic approach. It emphasizes tailoring the teaching methods and strategies to each child's unique needs and characteristics.

C. "It's flexible."
This statement is true about the eclectic approach. It allows educators to adapt and modify their teaching techniques based on the children's interests, abilities, and learning styles.

D. "It relies on a teacher's personal strengths."
This statement is also true about the eclectic approach. It encourages teachers to utilize their personal strengths, expertise, and experience in creating diverse teaching practices.

Therefore, based on the analysis, the false statement about the eclectic approach to guiding children is actually option A: "It allows one to do the same activities each day."