What motivated the United States to engage in the War of 1812? (Select all that apply.)

1. French restrictions on international commerce
2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States
3. the blockade of interstate trade by the British
4. restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain
5. the impressment of American sailors by the British

My answers are 2, 4 and 5 but I am unsure about 4.

Is this correct?

To determine which answers are correct, let's go through each option and see if it motivated the United States to engage in the War of 1812:

1. French restrictions on international commerce: This option is not a motivation for the United States to engage in the War of 1812. While France did have restrictions on international commerce, it was not one of the main factors that led to the conflict.

2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States: This option is indeed a motivation for the United States. British support and arming of Native American tribes in the Northwest Territory, especially during conflicts such as the Battle of Tippecanoe, contributed to tensions between the United States and Britain.

3. The blockade of interstate trade by the British: This option is incorrect. The British blockade during the Napoleonic Wars disrupted international trade but was not a primary motivation for the United States to engage in the War of 1812.

4. Restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain: This option is correct. The British had imposed various restrictions on American trade, mainly as part of their efforts to block neutral trade with France during the Napoleonic Wars. These trade restrictions, including the Orders in Council, were seen as harmful to American commerce and were a major motivation for the United States to go to war.

5. The impressment of American sailors by the British: This option is correct. The impressment of American sailors into the British Navy was a significant grievance for the United States. British ships would often forcibly recruit sailors, including American citizens, leading to outrage and a sense of violated sovereignty. This was one of the key motivations for the United States to go to war.

Based on the analysis above, your answers are correct: 2 (British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States), 4 (restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain), and 5 (the impressment of American sailors by the British).

Your answers are correct. The motivations for the United States to engage in the War of 1812 include:

2. British assistance with Native American conflicts in the United States: The British supported Native American tribes in their resistance against American expansion in the western frontier.

4. Restrictions imposed on trade by Great Britain: British restrictions on American trade, including the Orders in Council and the blockade of interstate trade, significantly impacted American commerce.

5. The impressment of American sailors by the British: British naval ships often impressed American sailors into service, violating American sovereignty and causing outrage among the American people.

So, the correct answers are 2, 4, and 5.