Which option evaluates how the Bill of Rights addressed Anti-Federalist concerns about establishing a strong central government?

A) The Bill of Rights established a representative democracy designed to prevent the rise of a tyrannical federal government.
B) The passage of the Bill of Rights marked the first instance in which states had power over the federal government.
C) The amendments proved that the notions long held by the Catholic Church were validated by divine right.
D) The amendments constitute the government’s recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.

Is the answer D?

Yes, D.

Yes, the correct answer is D) The amendments constitute the government’s recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the concerns of the Anti-Federalists about establishing a strong central government, as well as the role of the Bill of Rights in addressing those concerns.

The Anti-Federalists were a group of individuals who were opposed to the ratification of the United States Constitution. They were concerned about the potential for a strong central government to infringe upon the rights and liberties of individuals and states. They argued that without explicit protections for individual rights, the federal government could become tyrannical.

In response to these concerns, James Madison proposed a series of amendments that would become the Bill of Rights. These amendments were added to the Constitution to address the Anti-Federalists' concerns and ensure the protection of individual rights and liberties.

Option D correctly evaluates how the Bill of Rights addressed these Anti-Federalist concerns. The amendments within the Bill of Rights are a recognition by the government that certain rights and liberties exist inherently, meaning they are not granted by the government, but rather exist naturally. By including these rights in the Constitution, the government acknowledges and protects them, thereby reducing the potential for a tyrannical central government.

Therefore, the answer is D) The amendments constitute the government’s recognition of naturally occurring rights and liberties.