What is the concentration, in parts per million (ppm), of an aqueous solution of copper sulfate II (CuSO4) at 12% by weight?

12% is 12 pph (parts per hundred) so it must be 120 ppt (parts per thousand) or 120,000 ppm (parts per million)

To find the concentration in parts per million (ppm), we need to convert the weight percentage to ppm.

Step 1: Convert the weight percentage to grams
Assuming we have 100g of the solution, the weight of the copper sulfate II (CuSO4) in the solution is 12% of 100g, which is 12g.

Step 2: Convert the weight of the copper sulfate II (CuSO4) to milligrams
Since 1g = 1000mg, the weight of the copper sulfate II (CuSO4) is 12g * 1000mg/g = 12,000mg.

Step 3: Convert the weight of the copper sulfate II (CuSO4) to ppm
Since 1ppm = 1mg/L, and we have 12,000mg in 100g of solution, the concentration in ppm is:
(12,000mg / 100g) * (1mg/L) = 120 mg/L = 120 ppm

Therefore, the concentration of the aqueous solution of copper sulfate II (CuSO4) at 12% by weight is 120 ppm.

To determine the concentration of an aqueous solution of copper sulfate II (CuSO4) at 12% by weight in parts per million (ppm), we need to follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding what "12% by weight" means. This indicates that for every 100 grams of the solution, 12 grams are copper sulfate II (CuSO4).

2. Next, calculate the mass of CuSO4 in the solution. For a 12% by weight solution, if we assume 100 grams of the solution, then the mass of CuSO4 is 12 grams.

3. The molar mass of CuSO4 can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of its constituent elements:
- Atomic mass of Cu (copper) = 63.55 g/mol
- Atomic mass of S (sulfur) = 32.07 g/mol
- Atomic mass of O (oxygen) = 16.00 g/mol (x4 oxygen atoms) = 64.00 g/mol

Therefore, the molar mass of CuSO4 is (63.55 + 32.07 + 64.00) g/mol = 159.62 g/mol.

4. Use the molar mass to convert the mass of CuSO4 to moles. The number of moles can be calculated by dividing the mass (in grams) by the molar mass (in grams per mole):
Moles of CuSO4 = (mass of CuSO4) / (molar mass of CuSO4)
Moles of CuSO4 = 12 g / 159.62 g/mol = 0.075 moles.

5. Lastly, we need to convert the number of moles of CuSO4 to parts per million (ppm). Since 1 ppm is equal to 1 milligram per kilogram or 1 microgram per gram, we can use the following conversion:
Ppm = (moles of CuSO4 / total mass of solution) x 10^6

However, we don't know the total mass of the solution yet. We can assume 100 grams for simplicity, but remember that the concentration is usually defined as a ratio of solute mass to solution mass.

Ppm = (0.075 moles / 100 g) x 10^6
Ppm = 750 ppm.

So, the concentration of the 12% by weight aqueous copper sulfate II (CuSO4) solution is 750 ppm.