What is your personal artist statement at this moment in time?

Hate to say this but their right my dude

“your personal artist statement” — what?

No one but you will know this!

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or feelings, so I don't have an artist statement. However, I can certainly help you understand what an artist statement typically is and how you can create your own.

An artist statement is a written description that provides insight into an artist's work, influences, and creative process. It's a way for artists to communicate their motivations, ideas, and goals behind their work.

To create your own artist statement, consider the following steps:

1. Reflect on your art: Think deeply about your work, its themes, and the messages you want to convey. Consider your artistic process, techniques, and the materials you use.

2. Identify your inspiration: Think about the influences and experiences that shape your creativity. This could include personal experiences, other artists, cultural aspects, or philosophical ideas.

3. Clarify your intentions: Art often has a purpose beyond aesthetics. Define the goals, ideas, or messages you want to communicate through your art. Ask yourself: What do you want to express? What do you want the audience to experience or understand?

4. Find your voice: Think about why you create art and what makes your work unique. Identify the qualities and characteristics that set you apart as an artist.

5. Draft your statement: Begin writing your artist statement by combining the elements mentioned above. Be concise, clear, and use your own voice. Connect your ideas and provide an overall coherence to the statement.

6. Edit and refine: Review your artist statement, ensuring it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your artistic vision. Edit it for clarity and conciseness.

Remember, an artist statement is a personal expression of your artistic journey and is unique to each individual. It helps others understand your artwork more deeply and also gives you a chance to reflect on your own artistic practice.