#1. This artist painted scenes of upper-class recreation:

#2. Famous for his paintings and drawings of ballet dancers and racetrack scenes in France:

#3. Specialized in painting Impressionistic paintings of "simple moments, capturing the play of light...":

#4. This Impressionist artist "identified more strongly with peasants and rural laborers.":

#5. This artists "work shows the strong influence of Japanese prints:

#6. This artist focused her work on domestic life:

A. Edgar Degas
B. Claude Monet
C. Pierre Renoir
D. Camille Pissarro
E. Mary Cassatt

#1 b

#2 a "didnt find racing, but alot on dances and ballet. confident on this one"

#3 d

#4 c

#5 e

#6. i forgot, i think is B as well

2 is Degas.

3 is Monet.

6 is Cassatt.

You can look up the others.






thanks, i found them all, except #5. I am leaning more towards Degas, but cannot find where exactly that any of there work is related to the influence of japan prints.

That's a difficult one -- I see several of these painters' names in the article here:


I would be inclined to associate this with Pissarro, but others were influenced, too.

To answer these questions, you need some knowledge about famous artists and their styles. An effective way to find the answers would be to search for each artist's name and their main areas of focus. Let's go through the answers:

#1. The artist who painted scenes of upper-class recreation is Pierre Renoir.

To find this answer, you can simply search for Pierre Renoir and look for information about his artwork and themes.

#2. The artist famous for paintings and drawings of ballet dancers and racetrack scenes in France is Edgar Degas.

You can search for Edgar Degas and find information about his subjects of interest, which include ballet dancers and racetrack scenes, although racing might not be the main focus of his work.

#3. The artist who specialized in painting Impressionistic paintings of "simple moments, capturing the play of light" is Mary Cassatt.

By searching for Mary Cassatt, you can find information about her style and subjects, which are often focused on capturing light and depicting simple moments.

#4. The Impressionist artist who identified more strongly with peasants and rural laborers is Camille Pissarro.

By searching for Camille Pissarro, you can find information about his artistic style and the themes he was passionate about.

#5. The artist whose work shows a strong influence of Japanese prints is Claude Monet.

By searching for Claude Monet, you can find information about his artistic style and the influences that shaped his work, including a notable influence from Japanese prints.

#6. The artist who focused her work on domestic life is Mary Cassatt.

This was already mentioned in question #3. Mary Cassatt is the artist who focused on domestic life in her artwork.

So, to recap:

#1 is C. Pierre Renoir

#2 is A. Edgar Degas

#3 is E. Mary Cassatt

#4 is D. Camille Pissarro

#5 is B. Claude Monet

#6 is also E. Mary Cassatt