Select the effects of the establishment of the European Union.

A. Free trade among members**
B. Free language instruction among members
C. Citizens moving through borders freely**
D. Elections among all members for all EU government positions


To identify the effects of the establishment of the European Union (EU), we can consider each option provided and determine which ones are accurate by understanding the principles and goals of the EU.

A. Free trade among members: This is an accurate effect of the EU. One of the main objectives of the EU was to create a single market with free movement of goods, services, capital, and persons among its member states. This facilitates trade and economic cooperation within the EU.

B. Free language instruction among members: This option is not accurate. While language diversity is recognized and respected within the EU, there is no specific provision for free language instruction among members. Language policies in the EU aim to ensure multilingualism and encourage language learning, but they differ from free language instruction.

C. Citizens moving through borders freely: This is an accurate effect of the EU. The concept of freedom of movement is one of the fundamental principles of the EU. EU citizens have the right to live, work, and study in any EU member state without restrictions. This facilitates the movement of people across borders within the EU.

D. Elections among all members for all EU government positions: This option is not accurate. The EU has a complex system of governance that involves both elected and appointed officials, but not all EU government positions are filled through direct elections by all members. Some positions, such as the President of the European Commission, are elected by the members of the European Parliament.

Therefore, the accurate effects of the establishment of the European Union are:
- Free trade among members
- Citizens moving through borders freely