Rosalin is preparing to interview for the job described in the ad her resume contains the give facts listed below which should she talk about in the interview as being most relevant to the job

Incomplete information

What job was described in the ad?

What facts below?

To determine which facts from Rosalin's resume are most relevant to the job, we need to analyze the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications mentioned. Without the job description, I cannot provide a specific answer. However, I can guide you through the process of selecting the most relevant facts from Rosalin's resume to highlight in the interview:

1. Start by carefully reading and understanding the job description. Look for required skills, qualifications, and key responsibilities mentioned.
2. Compare the skills and qualifications required in the job description with the facts listed in Rosalin's resume.
3. Identify the facts in her resume that closely match or align with the job requirements. These could include relevant work experience, educational background, certifications, or specific skills.
4. Prioritize the most relevant and impressive facts from her resume, focusing on those that directly address the job requirements or demonstrate her expertise in the relevant field.
5. Prepare some compelling anecdotes or examples that showcase how Rosalin's skills and experiences can contribute to the job and the company's goals.
6. During the interview, mention the most relevant facts from Rosalin's resume, and be prepared to provide further details or expand upon them if requested.
7. Always ensure that the facts and experiences you choose to highlight are truthful and accurately represented in the resume.

Remember, the goal is to demonstrate to the interviewer how Rosalin's skills and experiences align with the job requirements and make her an excellent fit for the role.