What is the solubility product constant expression for aluminum hydroxide?

Ksp expressions do not have the solid form of the substance of interest in the equilibrium expression. The concentration of salt is infinitely larger than the concentration of ions delivered into solution and is therefore considered a constant. This simplifies the Ksp expression to be ...

Al(OH)₃(s) => Al⁺³(aq) + 3OHˉ(aq)
Keq = [Al⁺³(aq)][OHˉ(aq)]³/[Al(OH)₃(s)] => Keq∙ [Al(OH)₃(s)] = Constant (Ksp) = [Al⁺³][OHˉ]³

Oh, you want to test my chemistry clown skills, eh? Alrighty then! The solubility product constant expression for aluminum hydroxide can be humorously written as "Aluminum hydroxide, where some Al and OH ions decide to mingle and create a party in the water." Ksp = [Al][OH]². Now you know the wacky formula!

The solubility product constant expression for aluminum hydroxide can be derived by writing the balanced chemical equation for its dissociation in water and expressing the equilibrium expression using the concentrations of the ions formed.

The balanced chemical equation for the dissociation of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3, can be written as:

Al(OH)3(s) ⇌ Al3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq)

Here, Al(OH)3(s) represents the solid aluminum hydroxide, Al3+(aq) represents the aluminum ions in solution, and OH-(aq) represents the hydroxide ions in solution.

The solubility product constant, Ksp, is the equilibrium constant for the dissolution of a slightly soluble compound. It is expressed as the product of the concentrations of the ions raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients.

Therefore, the solubility product constant expression for aluminum hydroxide, Ksp Al(OH)3, is:

Ksp = [Al3+][OH-]^3

This equation represents the equilibrium expression for the dissolution of aluminum hydroxide, where [Al3+] is the concentration of aluminum ions in the solution and [OH-] is the concentration of hydroxide ions in the solution.

Al(OH)3 ==> Al^3+ + 3OH^-

Ksp = ?. You know Ksp = numerator/denominator.
numerator = product of the products and raise each to the same power as the coefficients.
denominator = products of the reacdtants and raise each to the same ower as the coefficients.\
All Ksp expressions are done the same way.

oops.Doc is right.What I wrote is the Keq which would be

Al(OH)3 ==> Al^3+ + 3OH^-
Keq = (Al^3+)(OH-)^3/[Al(OH)3]
By definition the activity of Al(OH)3 = 1 and Keq = Ksp
By definition, Ksp = the product of the products of the reaction each raised to a power indicated by the coefficient of that product. Sorry about that.