Which of the following occurred after the Vietnam war spread into Vietnam but before Vietnam was united under a communist government?

A. Ho Chi Minh took leadership of the Vietcong

B. Richard Nixon resigned from office after the Watergate scandal

C. The Khmer Rouge group invaded Vietnam

D. A cease­fire allowed U.S. troops to leave Vietnam ****
once more, just checking my answer. i believe it is D, right?

I agree;

Yes, you are correct. D is the correct answer. A ceasefire allowed U.S. troops to leave Vietnam after the war had spread into Vietnam but before Vietnam was united under a communist government. To answer this question, you would need to have some basic historical knowledge about the events surrounding the Vietnam War. Here's how you could have arrived at the answer:

1. Understand the context: The Vietnam War took place from 1955 to 1975, involving North Vietnam (supported by its communist allies) and South Vietnam (supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies). The war started after the spread of communism into Vietnam.

2. Analyze each option:
A. Ho Chi Minh taking leadership of the Vietcong: Ho Chi Minh was the leader of North Vietnam and the founder of the Vietcong. He played a significant role in the Vietnam War, but his leadership predates the events mentioned in the question, so this option can be ruled out.
B. Richard Nixon resigning from office after the Watergate scandal: The Watergate scandal occurred in 1972, which was during the Vietnam War but after the war had spread into Vietnam. However, Nixon's resignation took place in 1974, which was after the Vietnam War had ended and Vietnam had been united under a communist government. So, this option can also be ruled out.
C. The Khmer Rouge group invading Vietnam: The Khmer Rouge was a communist regime ruling Cambodia during the 1970s. They did not invade Vietnam, rather they were responsible for the Cambodian genocide. This option can be ruled out as it does not match the chronological order of events.
D. A ceasefire allowing U.S. troops to leave Vietnam: This option aligns with the chronological order, as a ceasefire was established in 1973, allowing the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam prior to the fall of South Vietnam and the establishment of a communist government. Therefore, D is the correct answer.

By analyzing the given options and understanding the historical context, you can determine that D is the correct answer – a ceasefire allowing U.S. troops to leave Vietnam.