Which of the following is an example of how the United States countered Soviet influence in Asia and Africa?

A) established new democratic colonies in those area

B) enacted a boycott to any area wanting communism

C) sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism ****

D) attempted to make treaties with areas under communism to establish rights

just wanted someone to check these for me, i believe it is C. correct ?

Yes, C.

what are all the answers to the test .

To determine which of the options is an example of how the United States countered Soviet influence in Asia and Africa, we need to examine each option and evaluate its validity.

A) Established new democratic colonies in those areas: This option does not accurately represent the actions of the United States in countering Soviet influence in Asia and Africa. The United States did not establish colonies in these areas during the Cold War era.

B) Enacted a boycott to any area wanting communism: The United States did take measures to contain the spread of communism, but enacting a boycott to any area wanting communism was not a specific approach they took. So, this option is not the correct answer either.

C) Sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism: This option refers to the United States providing aid to colonial powers to combat the spread of communism in Asia and Africa. This intervention was part of the U.S. strategy during the Cold War. Therefore, this option is the correct answer.

D) Attempted to make treaties with areas under communism to establish rights: While the United States did attempt to negotiate with areas under communism, this option does not accurately represent how the United States countered Soviet influence in Asia and Africa. The U.S. primarily focused on providing aid to fight against communism, rather than making agreements to establish rights with communist regimes.

Based on the analysis, option C) "sent aid to the colonial power to fight communism" is the correct answer.