Which word best defines the word diminish?

One would think his anxiety would diminish, not increase, once his name was called.
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The word "diminish" can be defined as "to make or become less." In the given sentence, it suggests that the person's anxiety should have reduced or become less intense when their name was called, but that did not happen. To determine which word best defines "diminish," we can look for synonyms or similar words that convey the same meaning in the context of the sentence.

One approach is to consult a thesaurus. You can search for "diminish synonyms" to find words that have a similar meaning. Some possible synonyms for "diminish" in this context could be "decrease," "reduce," or "weaken."

Another option is to identify the word that would make the most sense in the given sentence. Based on the context, we can conclude that the person's anxiety should have decreased, or become less intense, when their name was called. Therefore, the word that best defines "diminish" in this sentence would be "decrease."

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