Your rocket takes off from Earth and goes from 0 m per second to 560 m per second in the first 7 seconds of flight. What is your acceleration?

Im stuck on this question

To find the acceleration, you need to use the formula:

acceleration = (change in velocity) / (change in time)

First, let's calculate the change in velocity:

change in velocity = final velocity - initial velocity
change in velocity = 560 m/s - 0 m/s
change in velocity = 560 m/s

Next, we need to calculate the change in time:

change in time = final time - initial time
change in time = 7 s - 0 s
change in time = 7 s

Now, we can substitute these values into the formula:

acceleration = (change in velocity) / (change in time)
acceleration = 560 m/s / 7 s
acceleration ≈ 80 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of your rocket is approximately 80 m/s².

To determine the acceleration, we need to use the formula for acceleration:

acceleration = (change in velocity) / (change in time)

In this case, the change in velocity is the final velocity (560 m/s) minus the initial velocity (0 m/s). The change in time is the final time (7 seconds) minus the initial time (0 seconds).

So, let's plug in the values into the formula:

acceleration = (560 m/s - 0 m/s) / (7 s - 0 s)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

acceleration = 560 m/s / 7 s

Dividing 560 by 7, we find:

acceleration = 80 m/s^2

Therefore, the acceleration of the rocket during the first 7 seconds of flight is 80 m/s^2.