After reading each of the following quotations about poetry, choose the one that makes the most sense to you and explain what you think it means and why you chose it.

“The chief use of the “meaning” of a poem in the ordinary sense, may satisfy one habit of the reader, to keep his mind diverted and quiet, while the poem does its work upon him.” - T.S. Eliot

“Poetry is nothing less than the most perfect speech of man, that in which he comes nearest to be able to utter the truth...” - Matthew Arnold

“The poet becomes an expert packer of suitcases”—Sylvia Plath

“The poet can make every word he writes draw blood”--Walt Whitman

“A poem is a small machine made out of words.”--William Carlos Williams

The quotation that makes the most sense to me is "A poem is a small machine made out of words" by William Carlos Williams.

To me, this quotation means that a poem is a finely crafted creation, just like a machine, that is constructed using words. It suggests that a poem is a deliberately designed and structured piece of art, where each word has been carefully chosen and arranged to create a specific effect or meaning.

I chose this quotation because I appreciate the idea that a poem is a machine. Like a machine, a poem has a purpose, a function to fulfill. It is not simply a collection of random thoughts or words, but a carefully constructed entity. Just like a machine, a poem can have moving parts or intricate mechanisms, working together to achieve a desired outcome.

Furthermore, the concept of a machine made out of words highlights the power and impact that poetry can have. It suggests that the words in a poem can work together harmoniously, like the parts of a machine, to create a profound and unique experience for the reader. It emphasizes the precision and skill required to create a successful poem.

Overall, I find this quotation to be a compelling and vivid way of capturing the artistry and significance of poetry. It emphasizes the craftsmanship, purpose, and impact of a well-crafted poem, making it my chosen quotation.

Personally, the quotation that makes the most sense to me is "A poem is a small machine made out of words" by William Carlos Williams. This quote resonates with me because of its simplicity and the unique perspective it offers on poetry.

To understand this quote, we need to break it down. Firstly, it refers to a poem as a "small machine." This suggests that a poem is a carefully constructed entity, comparable to a machine that has been crafted with precision and purpose. Just like a machine, a poem has specific components and mechanisms that work together to create a particular effect or deliver a message.

The quote also mentions that this machine is "made out of words." Here, William Carlos Williams emphasizes the importance of language in poetry. Poetry is born out of the skilled arrangement of words, where each word is carefully chosen and positioned to convey meaning, evoke emotions, or create imagery.

I chose this quote because it captures the essence of how poetry operates. It highlights the craftsmanship involved in creating a poem, emphasizing that every word matters and contributes to the overall impact. Just as a machine is designed with a specific function in mind, a poem is meticulously crafted to convey a particular idea, emotion, or experience.

Furthermore, this quote also suggests that a poem, like a machine, can be a mechanism of efficiency. It implies that a well-crafted poem can have a powerful impact, despite its small and concise form. It challenges the notion that poetry needs to be lengthy or verbose to be effective, emphasizing the potential of brevity and conciseness in conveying meaning.

Overall, the quote "A poem is a small machine made out of words" encapsulates the artistry and precision involved in crafting poetry, highlighting the significance of language and the potential for impactful expression within a compact form.

“In the discussion forum, identify the quotation you chose and explain, in your own words, what you think it means and why you chose it.”

Only you can do this. Do you understand why?
