
3. Which phrase from Song of Myself, Number 52 is a simile?

Which phrase from Song of Myself, Number 52 is a simile?   a. “He complains of my gab and my loitering.”

b. “I shake my white locks at the runaway sun.”

c. “If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles”

d. “I depart as air”
4. In this poem, Whitman uses parallel structure to —

In this poem, Whitman uses parallel structure to —   a. help readers visualize key images

b. link related images and unify his poem

c. show stressed and unstressed syllables

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3. d


Both answers are right! :-)

To determine the phrase from Song of Myself, Number 52 that is a simile, you will need to analyze the given options.

a. “He complains of my gab and my loitering.”
b. “I shake my white locks at the runaway sun.”
c. “If you want me again, look for me under your boot-soles.”
d. “I depart as air.”

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as."

Now, looking at the options:

a. This phrase does not contain a simile, as it compares the speaker's gab and loitering to someone's complaint, but it does not use "like" or "as" to make the comparison.

b. This phrase contains a simile, as the speaker compares shaking their white locks to the action of shaking them "at the runaway sun" using the word "like."

c. This phrase does not contain a simile, as it expresses a metaphorical concept rather than a direct comparison using "like" or "as."

d. This phrase does not contain a simile, as it expresses the speaker's departure as being similar to air, but it does not use "like" or "as" to make the comparison.

Therefore, the phrase from Song of Myself, Number 52 that is a simile is b. "I shake my white locks at the runaway sun."

Moving on to the second question:

In this poem, Whitman uses parallel structure to —

Parallel structure is a writing technique where similar grammatical structures are used to link related ideas. It helps create balance and rhythm in the writing.

Now, looking at the options:

a. This option suggests that parallel structure helps readers visualize key images. While parallel structure can enhance visualization in some cases, it is not its primary purpose.

b. This option is correct. Whitman uses parallel structure to link related images and unify his poem. By structuring phrases or sentences in a similar way, Whitman establishes a consistent and cohesive flow that connects different ideas and themes in the poem.

c. This option suggests that parallel structure is used to show stressed and unstressed syllables. While parallel structure can contribute to rhythm in poetry, the primary purpose is not to specifically highlight stressed and unstressed syllables.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Whitman uses parallel structure to link related images and unify his poem.