Which of the following is typically NOT a method scientists use to determine astronomic distances?

a. brightness as compared to other objects
b. color of the object
c. radio wave signature
d. the size an object in space appears

I think it's c but I could be wrong

I was right, it is d.

(by color, I think they mean the color of the light, so yes that's a way)

I mean d

To determine astronomic distances, scientists use various methods depending on the object being observed and the specific situation. However, to identify the method that is typically NOT used, we can go through the options provided.

a. Brightness as compared to other objects: This is one of the commonly used methods to estimate distances in astronomy. By comparing the brightness of objects with known distances, scientists can infer the distances of other objects.

b. Color of the object: The color of an object can provide clues about its temperature, composition, and distance. Scientists consider the color and its properties to determine astronomic distances.

c. Radio wave signature: Radio astronomy is a significant field that studies celestial objects using radio waves emitted by them. Scientists can analyze the radio wave signature of objects to estimate their distances. Therefore, this method is commonly used.

d. The size an object in space appears: Scientists often use the apparent size of celestial objects to calculate their distances. By comparing the apparent size with the known physical size, they can determine how far the object is from Earth.

Considering the options, it appears that the method typically NOT used to determine astronomic distances is option c. Therefore, your intuition is correct, and radio wave signature is typically not a specific method employed for this purpose.

I think its b. How can color have anything to do with astronomical distances???