Hey I posted early saying that I needed help to make a thesis about happiness that can be argued in a book that I read.

I can't really post my thesis cause of (turnitin) I don't want to get caught for plagirizing)

''Importantly, happiness experts have argued that happiness is not a stable, unchangeable trait but something flexible that we can work on and ultimately strive towards.'' (theconversation.com)

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Okay, so basically I read this book, and now we have to come up with a topic and a opinion that can be argued. My topic is happiness. I am having trouble finidng out a proper thesis statement of why happiness is hard to find

No worries, I completely understand your concern about plagiarism. I'm here to help you come up with a thesis statement about happiness that can be argued within the context of the book you read. To do that, we'll start by finding the central themes or ideas related to happiness in the book. Then, we can construct a thesis statement that presents a clear argument based on those themes. Without knowing the specific book you read, I'll provide you with a general framework that you can adapt to fit your book.

1. First, identify the book's central ideas about happiness: Consider the main characters, their desires, struggles, and the lessons they learn throughout the story. Look for any recurring symbols or motifs related to happiness.

2. Analyze the book's approach to happiness: Examine how the author portrays happiness, whether it is depicted as attainable or elusive, the factors that contribute to it, or any obstacles that hinder it.

3. Choose a specific angle or argument: Based on your analysis, narrow down your focus and decide on a specific aspect of happiness that you want to explore in your thesis. For example, you could consider the role of love, self-discovery, or external validation in achieving happiness.

4. Develop a thesis statement: Now, construct a sentence that clearly expresses your argument. It should make a claim about the book's view on happiness, and provide a sense of direction for your essay. Make sure your thesis is debatable, meaning someone could disagree with your statement.

Remember, it is crucial to paraphrase and put the ideas into your own words to avoid any plagiarism concerns. Good luck!