Which of the following types of information is suited for display on a double line graph?

A. average wages paid to men and to women over 5 years
B. average heights of basketball players in five schools
C. average ages of people entering the pubic library in five locations *
D. average prices of two car models at five dealerships

C. is correct

is reb correct is it C?

Its average wages paid to men and women over 5 years for me

What’s the answers

The original question was: "Which of the following types of information is suited for display on a double line graph?"

The answer is: D. average prices of two car models at five dealerships.

To determine which of the following types of information is suited for display on a double line graph, we need to consider the variables involved and how they are related.

In a double line graph, two variables are plotted against a common axis, usually with different lines representing the data for each variable. This type of graph is particularly useful when we want to compare and show the relationship between two sets of data over time or another continuous variable.

Let's analyze each option:

A. Average wages paid to men and to women over 5 years:
This information can be best-suited for display on a double line graph. We can plot the average wages for men and women on the y-axis and the years on the x-axis. By doing so, we can easily compare and visualize the trend in the wages for both genders over time.

B. Average heights of basketball players in five schools:
A double line graph may not be the most appropriate choice for this information. A bar graph or a grouped bar graph would be better for comparing the average heights of basketball players in five different schools.

C. Average ages of people entering the public library in five locations:
This information can be well-suited for display on a double line graph. We can plot the average ages on the y-axis and the five different locations on the x-axis. This would allow us to compare and observe any variations in the average ages of people entering the library in each location.

D. Average prices of two car models at five dealerships:
A double line graph may not be the most appropriate choice for this information. A bar graph or a grouped bar graph would be better for comparing the average prices of two car models at five different dealerships.

In conclusion, option C (average ages of people entering the public library in five locations) is best suited for display on a double line graph.

its d