Complete the sentence with the word that has the most positive connotation.

John believed he was right; he was very ______ about it.
A. Pompous
B. Hardheaded
C. Smug
D. Assured <---- I'm guessing it's this one.

I agree.

To determine the word with the most positive connotation to complete the sentence, we can analyze the given options and consider their meanings.

A. Pompous: This word often conveys arrogance, self-importance, and an inflated sense of superiority. Therefore, it has a negative connotation.

B. Hardheaded: This term implies stubbornness and an unwillingness to change one's mind or consider different perspectives. Hence, it also has a negative connotation.

C. Smug: This word describes someone who is self-satisfied or overly confident in a conceited manner. Like the previous options, it has a negative connotation.

D. Assured: This word suggests confidence, certainty, and self-assuredness in a more positive way. When John believes he is right, being "assured" aligns with a positive connotation.

Therefore, your guess of "D. Assured" is correct.