I just need help understanding what to do? I don't need help I just don't understand what she is asking for.

For this portfolio, you will still submit a written ASL gloss that includes the English version and the ASL translation complete with the signs you would need to sign and all of the non-manual markers that go with it. This will be submitted in the dropbox provided in the lesson.

OKIE I did the same thing like last week

a ASL gloss starts with
Topic, time, comment
what you do is make a sentence like
"7:30 my friend J-I-L-L is comming to dinner"
but sign it in Classifiers and then in normal SL

You will still submit a written ASL gloss,

It will include the English version and the ASL translation.
Be sure to also include the signs you would need to sign and all of the non-manual markers that go with it.

It seems like you're looking for clarification on what is being asked for in a portfolio submission for an ASL course. The instructions state that you should submit a written ASL gloss, which essentially means you need to provide a written explanation of the signs and non-manual markers that would be used to translate the English version into ASL.

To complete this task, you would need to:

1. Write down the English version of the text or dialogue that you want to translate into ASL.
2. Break down the English version into individual signs or gestures that would be used in ASL.
3. Along with each sign, you should also note any non-manual markers, such as facial expressions, mouth movements, or body language, that would accompany the sign to convey the intended meaning.
4. Write down the ASL translation with the signs and non-manual markers included.
5. Finally, submit your written ASL gloss in the provided dropbox for the lesson.

By following these steps, you will be able to accurately translate the English version into ASL and provide a clear representation of how the text or dialogue would be signed.