Every function pairs __________ output value with one input value.

A. more than one
B. at least one
C. exactly one
please i need a BETTER grade in math

a function has a one-to-one relationship between input and output

oh thnx :)

C. exactly one

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can start by understanding the definition of a function. In mathematics, a function is a relation that maps each element from a set of inputs (called the domain) to exactly one element of a set of outputs (called the range).

Now, let's analyze the given options:

A. more than one: If a function pairs more than one output value with one input value, it would violate the definition of a function. Functions must have a unique output for each input, so this option is incorrect.

B. at least one: This option suggests that a function can have at least one output value for each input value. While this may be possible in some cases, it is not a requirement for a function. In fact, there are many functions that have some input values that yield no output. Therefore, this option is not the best answer either.

C. exactly one: This option states that every function pairs exactly one output value with one input value. This is the correct answer according to the definition of a function. A function should have a unique output value for each input value, ensuring that there is no ambiguity or confusion.

To improve your grade in math, it is essential to understand the definitions and concepts related to the topics you are studying. Make sure to review the definitions and properties of functions and practice applying them to different examples and exercises. Additionally, seek help from your teacher, classmates, or online resources if you need further clarification or assistance. Consistent practice and understanding of the fundamental principles will greatly contribute to your success in math. Good luck!