H20 (water) indicates there are _____.

A.two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in this chemical formula

B.two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom in this chemical formula

C. water is an acid
im saying b but not sure

No. The 2 after the H tells you there are 2 H atoms. There is a 1 (a 1 is understood) after the O and that tells you there is 1 O atom.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the structure of water, which is chemical formula H2O.

In the chemical formula H2O:
- The symbol "H" represents hydrogen, and the subscript "2" indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms.
- The symbol "O" represents oxygen, indicating that there is one oxygen atom.

Therefore, the correct answer is A: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in the chemical formula H2O.