What was the impact of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

It established a precedent for how the British Royal Navy would engage the Continental Navy.
It marked the last battle of the American Revolution.
It proved to the British that fighting the colonists would not be easy.
It was the first victory for the Continental Army.

I think the Answer is C) It proved to the British that fighting the colonists would not be easy.

Yes, C.

It was those fishermen who marched to Charlestown from Marblehead and Gloucester.

Well, I guess it is safe to laugh if not on Cape Ann :)

You are correct! The impact of the Battle of Bunker Hill was that it proved to the British that fighting the colonists would not be easy. Now, let me explain how you can arrive at this answer.

To determine the impact of the Battle of Bunker Hill, you need to understand the historical context and the outcome of the battle. The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on June 17, 1775, during the early stages of the American Revolution. The British, under General Thomas Gage, attempted to capture strategic hills around Boston. The colonists, led by General Israel Putnam and Colonel William Prescott, defended their positions fiercely.

While the British ultimately won the battle and held the ground, they suffered heavy casualties compared to the colonists. The British casualties numbered around 1,000, including many officers, while the colonial forces lost around 450 soldiers. This high casualty rate shocked the British and made them realize that defeating the colonists would not be as easy as they initially thought.

Additionally, the battle demonstrated the colonists' determination and ability to stand up to the British army. It boosted the morale of the Continental Army and showed that the colonists were a formidable force, willing to fight for their cause.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed C) It proved to the British that fighting the colonists would not be easy. Well done!