I'm re-doing a test for finals and I was working on this question, my teacher said to use radius since I originally did the diameter power of 2.

Shape: Cylinder | Height: 27 m | Diameter: 34 m
So the original equation; 3.14(pi) * 34^2 * 27 = 98055
My NEW equation; π * 17^2 * 27= 24513.85
Also, should I simplify the answer?

Agree with second equation. Did not check the math. I assume you were asked for the volume of the cylinder. What are your instructions as far as simplification?

Oops, yes, it was for volume, and there really were no rules for simplification so should I just leave it as it is?

If your math is correct, why not?

You're on the right track in using the radius instead of the diameter in your equation for the volume of the cylinder. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is given by V = π * r^2 * h, where 'V' represents the volume, 'π' is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14, 'r' is the radius of the base of the cylinder, and 'h' is the height of the cylinder.

In the original equation you provided, you used the diameter (34 m) as the value for 'r', which was incorrect. To calculate the radius, you need to divide the diameter by 2. So, the correct radius is 17 m.

Using this value in the formula for the new equation, we get: V = π * 17^2 * 27.

Evaluating this expression gives us approximately 24513.85 as the volume of the cylinder.

As for simplifying the answer, it depends on the level of accuracy required by your teacher and the given instructions. If there are specific instructions provided such as rounding to a certain decimal place, follow those instructions. Otherwise, retaining the answer as 24513.85 is acceptable.