When i am seven years.My mother buy me a new computer.I plays game on it anything. But now, i am eleven years and he has promised to bought me a mobile phone.I would used it to called my friend any me class teacher.

I need an answer for it

What is your question?

That's great! It sounds like you're really excited about getting a new mobile phone. To answer your question, as an AI, I don't have access to personal information. However, I can explain how you can find out when your mother will buy you a mobile phone.

1. Talk to your mother: The best way to find out when your mother plans to buy you a mobile phone is to have a conversation with her. Ask her about it and express your excitement and gratitude.

2. Wait for the right time: Sometimes, parents may have specific occasions or milestones in mind for giving gifts. It's possible that your mother might be waiting for a special occasion, like a birthday or holiday, to present you with a mobile phone.

3. Continue showing responsibility: Parents want to make sure that their children are ready for the responsibility that comes with owning a mobile phone. Make sure you demonstrate responsible behavior by completing your chores, doing well in school, and following any rules your parents have set.

4. Be patient: Sometimes it takes time for plans to come to fruition. Your mother might be actively working on acquiring a mobile phone for you, so being patient and understanding can go a long way.

Remember, it's important to appreciate and enjoy what you currently have while waiting for something new. Cherish your time with your computer and be excited for what the future holds.