Formulate a hypothesis for this investigation

What is the investigation?

Grade 11 learners want to investigate which enzyme is responsible for chemical digestion of starch into glucose in humans.

To formulate a hypothesis for an investigation, you need to identify the problem or question you want to address. Once you have that, the hypothesis should suggest a possible explanation or prediction for the problem/question.

Here is an example of formulating a hypothesis:

Problem/Question: Does music have an impact on students' concentration levels while studying?

Hypothesis: Listening to classical music while studying improves students' concentration levels compared to studying in silence or listening to other genres of music.

To arrive at this hypothesis, you could first gather relevant information about the topic through research, such as previous studies on the effects of music on concentration. Based on the available evidence, you can then propose a hypothesis that aligns with the findings and makes a clear prediction about the impact of music on students' concentration levels while studying.

It's important to note that a hypothesis should be testable and falsifiable, meaning it can be supported or disproven through empirical evidence or experimentation.