What is the aim of this investigation?

What investigation?

Aim of investigation

The am of investigation?

To determine the aim of an investigation, you should look for information provided by the investigators or the agency conducting the investigation. This can typically be found in official documents, press releases, or public statements relating to the investigation.

One way to find out the aim of an investigation is to search for news articles or official statements related to the investigation. Check trusted news sources or government agency websites that have reported on the investigation. They may provide information about the purpose or goal of the investigation.

Another approach is to review any official documents or statements from the investigators themselves. Agencies conducting investigations often publish reports or updates that outline the objectives or desired outcomes of the investigation. These documents can offer insights into the aim of the investigation.

If the investigation is being conducted by a law enforcement agency, you can also look for any relevant law enforcement guidelines or policies that may shed light on the investigative objectives.

By analyzing these sources, you should be able to get a clearer understanding of the aim of the investigation.