Yesterday, the snow was 2 feet deep in front of Archie’s house. Today, the snow depth dropped to 1.6 feet because the day is so warm. What is the percent change in the depth of the snow?

100 (final - original)/original = percent change

100 (1.6 - 2.0) / 2.0)

note - that is negative, went down

To find the percent change in the depth of the snow, we can use the formula:

Percent change = ((new value - old value) / old value) * 100

Step 1: Calculate the difference in snow depth.
Difference = 2 feet - 1.6 feet = 0.4 feet

Step 2: Calculate the percent change.
Percent change = (0.4 feet / 2 feet) * 100 = (0.2) * 100 = 20

Therefore, the percent change in the depth of the snow is 20%.

To find the percent change in the depth of the snow, you need to calculate the difference between the initial depth and the final depth, and then divide it by the initial depth. Finally, multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the difference in depth:
Final Depth - Initial Depth = 1.6 feet - 2 feet = -0.4 feet

Step 2: Divide the difference by the initial depth:
-0.4 feet / 2 feet = -0.2

Step 3: Multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage:
-0.2 * 100 = -20%

Therefore, the percent change in the depth of the snow is -20%.