The median number of magazine appearances made by 777 models is 555. The range of number of magazine appearances by those models is 555.

Determine if the following statement is true, is false, or does not contain enough information.
If the fewest magazine appearances is 3, then the greatest number of appearances is 9.

if each of 777 models made at least 3 appearances each, then the total is way more than 777.

You should have rephrased the question as:

Determine whether the following statement is true or false,
or cannot be determined from the information provided.

The statement is false.

To determine if the statement is true, false, or if there is not enough information, we need to analyze the given information.

We are told that the median number of magazine appearances made by 777 models is 555. The median is the middle value when the data is arranged in order. Since the median is given as 555, this implies that half of the models have fewer than 555 appearances and the other half have more than 555.

We are also told that the range of the number of magazine appearances is 555. The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values. In this case, the range is 555, which means the difference between the greatest number of appearances and the fewest number of appearances is 555.

The statement given is: "If the fewest magazine appearances is 3, then the greatest number of appearances is 9."

Based on the information provided, we cannot determine whether this statement is true or false. We know that the range is 555, but we do not have any specific information about the values within that range. We only know the median, which does not provide enough information to determine the maximum number of appearances.

Therefore, the statement does not contain enough information to determine if it is true or false.