"communism is over in russia democracy will always prevail in the end." how does this statement most reflect a particular bias?

it shows a prejudice against communism
it shows support for democratic ideals
it makes a prediction*
it cites historical events

many words offer clues to media bias. which word below would mostly likely signal a bias?

what is the significance of chernobyl to russia
it is a center of industry
it lies along the trans-siberian railway
it is a place of ethnic conflict
it is a public health and environmental threat*

in what way did the collapse of the soviet union most benefit religious groups in eastern europe
people have freedom to join religous organization of their choice
people have freedom to join any christian religious organization of their choice
people have become less active in many traditional religious practices
people have struggled to practice their beliefs because of the laws*

stalin established the five year plans to
transform russia from an agricultural country into an industrial country*
modify the existing capitalist system and allow peasants to sell their produce openly for years
put an end to communism and allow russia to embrace western ideologies and policies
join efforts with the USA to maximize production of capital goods such as heavy machines

3 and 5 are correct. The others are wrong.

The statement "communism is over in Russia, democracy will always prevail in the end" most reflects a particular bias by showing support for democratic ideals. This bias is evident as it portrays democracy as the ideal form of governance and assumes that it will always prevail over other systems, such as communism.

The word "might" would most likely signal a bias. Using the word "might" implies a degree of uncertainty or speculation, suggesting that there may be a hidden bias or an attempt to present subjective opinions as factual information.

The significance of Chernobyl to Russia is that it poses a public health and environmental threat. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 resulted in the release of radioactive materials, leading to long-lasting health and environmental issues in Russia and neighboring countries. It is not a center of industry, a location of ethnic conflict, or situated along the Trans-Siberian railway.

The collapse of the Soviet Union most benefited religious groups in Eastern Europe by providing the people with the freedom to join religious organizations of their choice. Previously, under the Communist regime, religious practices were suppressed, and people faced restrictions on practicing their beliefs. The collapse of the Soviet Union ushered in greater religious freedom for individuals.

Stalin established the five-year plans to transform Russia from an agricultural country into an industrial country. These plans aimed to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union by implementing centralized planning and state control over key industries. The goal was to modernize and develop heavy industries, such as steel, coal, and machinery, to catch up with the industrial powers of the West. The plans did not seek to modify the existing capitalist system, join efforts with the USA, or put an end to communism.