the wages of 80 workers in a small factory is given thus.

wage :- 1500 3500 6000 12000 20000
no of workers 8736 10883 11382 10367 8835
(a) what is the modal age
(b) find the median wage
(c) calculate the mean wage .
need workings?

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

Mode = most frequent score
Median = 50th percentile
Mean =∑x/n

I don't understand

I apologize for the generic response earlier. Let me try to break down the steps for you:

a) To find the modal wage - you need to find the wage that appears the most number of times. Looking at the given data, you can see that the wage of 1500 appears 8736 times, the wage of 3500 appears 10,883 times, the wage of 6000 appears 11,382 times, the wage of 12,000 appears 10,367 times, and the wage of 20,000 appears 8835 times. Since 6000 appears the most number of times, that is the modal wage.

b) To find the median wage - you need to arrange the wages in order, from lowest to highest. In this case, the wages are already given in ascending order. So we just need to find the middle value. Since there are 80 workers, the middle value would be between the 40th and 41st value. So we take the average of those two values. Hence, the median wage is (6000 + 12000)/2 = 9000.

c) To calculate the mean wage - you need to add up all the wages and divide by the total number of workers. Using the given data, we can calculate the mean wage as follows:

Mean = (1500*8736 + 3500*10883 + 6000*11382 + 12000*10367 + 20000*8835)/(8736+10883+11382+10367+8835)

Mean = 98648000/49503

Mean = 1986.39

Therefore, the mean wage is 1986.39.

Sure! I can help you with the workings to find the answers.

(a) To find the modal wage, we need to determine the wage that occurs most frequently among the 80 workers. To do this, we can create a frequency table by listing the wages and the corresponding number of workers.

Wage No. of Workers
1500 8736
3500 10883
6000 11382
12000 10367
20000 8835

From the frequency table, we can see that the wage with the highest frequency is 6000. Therefore, the modal wage is 6000.

(b) To find the median wage, we need to arrange the wages in ascending order and find the middle value. Since there are 80 workers, the median will be the average of the 40th and 41st wages when arranged in ascending order.

Wage: 1500 3500 6000 12000 20000

Arranged in ascending order: 1500 3500 6000 12000 20000

The 40th and 41st wages are both 6000. Hence, the median wage is 6000.

(c) To calculate the mean wage, we need to add up all the wages and divide by the total number of workers (80 in this case).

Mean wage = (1500 + 3500 + 6000 + 12000 + 20000) / 80 = 52500 / 80 = 656.25

Therefore, the mean wage is 656.25.