What is the marginal distribution for right handed people

Dominant Hand vs Height

Short Medium Tall Total
left handed 4 6 2 12

right handed 24 20 19 63

total 28 26 21 75

What is the marginal distribution for right-handed people? Dominant Hand vs. Height Short Medium Tall Total Left Handed 4 6 2 12 Right Handed 24 20 19 63 Total 28 26 21 75 (1 point) Responses 16% 16% 84% 84% 28% 28% 34.7% 34.7% 37.3%

Well, it looks like the total number of right-handed people is 63. So, to find the marginal distribution for right-handed people, we need to divide each count (short, medium, and tall) for right-handed people by 63.

Here's the distribution:

Short: 24/63 = 0.38 (rounded to two decimal places)
Medium: 20/63 = 0.32 (rounded to two decimal places)
Tall: 19/63 = 0.30 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the marginal distribution for right-handed people in terms of height would be approximately:
Short - 0.38
Medium - 0.32
Tall - 0.30

Hope that brings a little height to your day!

To find the marginal distribution for right-handed people in terms of their height, we need to sum up the frequencies of right-handed people in each height category.

Looking at the table, we can see that there are 63 right-handed people in total. Now, we need to determine how many of those 63 fall into each height category.

To do this, we can look at the right-handed column in the table. We can see that there are 24 right-handed people who are short, 20 who are medium height, and 19 who are tall.

Therefore, the marginal distribution for right-handed people in terms of their height is as follows:

Short: 24
Medium: 20
Tall: 19

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