Visual depiction of a marketplace scene with an Asian male trader selling eggs. He has three cartons, one carton is filled with 150 eggs, another empty carton symbolizing a total of 22.50 currency units he bought the eggs for, and a third smaller carton with 30 cracked eggs. Next to the trader, portray a sign indicating the price of the uncracked eggs at 17 units and the cracked eggs at 10 units each. The scene should be rich in colors, primarily soft yellows and whites for the eggs and vibrant reds, blues, and greens for the marketplace background. The image should not contain any text.

A trader bought 150 eggs for 22.50. 30 eggs were cracked. he sold the cracked eggs at 10 each and the rest at 17 each. what was his percentage gain?

I love maths

A shopkeeper bought=150eggs therefore 30×10 = 300+17k=317 therefore he had a profit then the profit then is 317-150=267percentage profit then is 267/150 ×100/1=178%

30*10 + 120*17 = ?

(?-22.50)/22.50 = Percent gain

Income = (150-30) * 0.17 + 30*0.10 = 20.40 + 3.00 = 23.40.

Gain = 23.40 - 22.50 = $0.90.

%Gain = 0.90/22.50 * 100% =

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To find the trader's percentage gain, we need to determine the total cost and total revenue.

Step 1: Cost of the eggs
The trader bought 150 eggs for $22.50. We can divide the total cost by the number of eggs to find the cost of each egg:
$22.50 ÷ 150 = $0.15 per egg

Step 2: Revenue from the cracked eggs
The trader sold the cracked eggs at $10 each. Since 30 eggs were cracked, the revenue from the cracked eggs can be calculated as:
$10 × 30 = $300

Step 3: Revenue from the uncracked eggs
The trader sold the remaining uncracked eggs at $17 each. To calculate the total revenue from the uncracked eggs, we need to subtract the number of cracked eggs from the total number of eggs:
150 - 30 = 120 eggs
Revenue from the uncracked eggs:
$17 × 120 = $2040

Step 4: Total revenue
The total revenue is the sum of the revenue from the cracked eggs and the revenue from the uncracked eggs:
$300 + $2040 = $2340

Step 5: Calculating the gain
The gain is the difference between the total revenue and the total cost:
$2340 - $22.50 = $2317.50

Step 6: Calculating the percentage gain
To find the percentage gain, divide the gain by the total cost and multiply by 100:
($2317.50 ÷ $22.50) × 100 = 10300%

Therefore, the trader's percentage gain is 10300%.