What was the U.S. response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?

A. The United States launched a global war on terrorism.
B. The United States pulled out all troops fighting in other countries.
C. The United States held a world summit to best determine the scope of the threat.
D. The United States did not believe there were other threats.

Terrorism and Wars Overseas

1. What was the U.S. response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?
A. The United States launched a global war on terrorism.
2. Why did the United States choose to go to war in Afghanistan?
C. Afghanistan refused to surrender Osama bin Laden to the United States.
3. Which reason best explains the U.S. decision to go to war with Iraq?
D. Some U.S. officials were concerned about Iraq's possession of WMD.
4. In what way has the United States' detention of terrorist suspects during the war on terrorism been controversial?
C. treatment of detainees
5. What is a major motivation for jihadists?
C. their struggle against those they see as enemies of Islam

mia mee is right

so what is the answer

Thanks Mia Mee is still 100% correct!!

This is actually false, glad to help!

And your answer is?

rEaD iN yOuR tExTbOoK oR oN gOoGle aNd fInd iT oUt yOurSelF bEcAusE i fOunD tHe aNsWeR