2 Danielle reached into her bag. She was looking for her wallet.

Which sentence best combines the two sentences using a participle phrase ?

A) Looking for her wallet Danielle reached into her bag.
B) Dannielle looking for her wallet reached into her bag.
C) Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag. ****
D) Dannielle reached into her bag to find her wallet.

I think there's a better choice.

is it A?... or B idk both make sense?

A is better than B. (In B, the subject is separated from the verb by a participial phrase. It’s best to keep subjects and their verbs as close together as possible.)

So the answer is A?


Is she right

The correct answer is C) Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag.

To determine the correct answer, we need to look for a sentence that combines the information from both sentences using a participle phrase. A participle phrase is a group of words consisting of a present or past participle and any modifiers, objects, or complements.

In the given sentences, we have "Danielle reached into her bag" and "She was looking for her wallet." We want to combine these two ideas using a participle phrase.

Option A) "Looking for her wallet Danielle reached into her bag." This sentence has a participle phrase "Looking for her wallet," which modifies Danielle, but it is not grammatically correct. The subject ("Danielle") should come before the participle phrase.

Option B) "Dannielle looking for her wallet reached into her bag." This sentence also has a participle phrase, but it is not grammatically correct because the name is misspelled ("Dannielle" instead of "Danielle").

Option C) "Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag." This sentence correctly combines the information from both sentences using a participle phrase "who was looking for her wallet." The participle phrase modifies "Danielle" and provides the additional information of her actions.

Option D) "Dannielle reached into her bag to find her wallet." This sentence does not use a participle phrase. It simply states the actions in a sequence without combining the information.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) "Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag."