Calculate the actual amount paid for and the dividend received from the below transaction

600 $2 shares at 180k, dividend 7%?

To calculate the actual amount paid for the shares and the dividend received, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total amount paid for the shares
To calculate the total amount paid for the shares, multiply the number of shares (600) by the price per share ($2):

Total amount paid for shares = Number of shares * Price per share
= 600 * $2
= $1200

Therefore, the actual amount paid for the shares is $1200.

Step 2: Calculate the dividend received
To calculate the dividend received, we need to multiply the total amount paid for the shares by the dividend rate.

Dividend = Total amount paid for shares * Dividend Rate
= $1200 * 7%
= $1200 * 0.07
= $84

Therefore, the dividend received from the transaction is $84.