How is the gerund you identified in the previous question used in the sentence?

What previous question?

What is the sentence?

hich word or words from the following sentence is used as a gerund?

By stealing a summerstick, Gluskabe was able to defeat Old Man Winter and bring back summer for a short time.

Which word is the obvious gerund in that sentence?

To identify the gerund in a sentence, we need to remember that a gerund is a verb form that ends in "-ing" and functions as a noun. In the previous question, the gerund you identified is "identifying".

To understand how the gerund is used in the sentence, we need to look at the role it plays. In this case, "identifying" is used as the subject of the sentence, which means it acts as the doer of the action. It is the one performing the action of identifying.

Here's the breakdown of the sentence:
"How is the gerund you identified in the previous question used in the sentence?"

- "How" is an adverb modifying the verb.
- "is" is the main verb of the sentence.
- "the gerund you identified" is a noun phrase that functions as the subject complement, giving more information about the subject.
- "in the previous question" is a prepositional phrase providing additional information about the identified gerund.
- "used in the sentence" is a passive construction indicating how the gerund is used.

So, in summary, the gerund "identifying" is used as the subject of the sentence, performing the action of identifying.