A fertilizer covers

square foot in

A fertilizer covers 3/8 square foot in 1/4 hour.

What is your question?

Do you want to know the hourly rate? If so:

r = (3/8)/(1/4) = 3/8 * 4/1 = 12/8 = 1 1/2 Ft^2/h. = 1.5 Ft^2/h.

To find the rate at which the fertilizer covers 1 square foot per hour, we can divide the total area covered by the total time taken.

1 square foot = (3 + 8) / (1 + 4) = 11 / 5 = 2.2 square feet

Therefore, the fertilizer covers 1 square foot per hour.

To determine how much area a fertilizer can cover in a given time, we first need to calculate the rate of coverage. In this case, the fertilizer covers 3 square feet in 8 hours, or 3/8 = 0.375 square feet per hour.

Now, if we want to find out how much area the fertilizer can cover in 1 hour, we simply multiply the rate by 1.

0.375 square feet/hour * 1 hour = 0.375 square feet

Therefore, the fertilizer can cover 0.375 square feet in 1 hour.