Which detail belongs in paragraph five to help support the main idea of the paragraph?

A) places to receive acupuncture are increasingly easy to find all across the United States

***B) not everyone is necessarily fond of acupuncture some patients for for other methods of physical therapy

C) even though acupuncture is a popular Chinese treatment it has grown popular around the world

D) most of the adverse effects of acupuncture that has been reported do not derive from the procedure it’s self but from improper application

I think answer B

Its D

it"s d

D 100%

I need help with school

To determine which detail belongs in paragraph five to support the main idea of the paragraph, we first need to identify the main idea of the paragraph itself. Without the full paragraph, it is difficult to determine the exact main idea. However, we can make an educated guess based on the options provided.

Option A states that places to receive acupuncture are increasingly easy to find across the United States. Option C mentions that acupuncture has grown popular around the world. Option D talks about adverse effects of acupuncture not deriving from the procedure itself.

Option B, on the other hand, mentions that not everyone is fond of acupuncture, and some patients prefer other methods of physical therapy. This detail is related to the main idea of the paragraph as it addresses a potential opposition or alternative to acupuncture.

Therefore, based on the options provided, it is reasonable to conclude that answer B is the most suitable detail to support the main idea of the paragraph.

What paragraph?

What is the main idea?
Your answer choice makes no sense.