Hello, hope u guys are having a good day! I need some help on this science! Thank you!

Water cycle.

Which of these stages of the water cycle were you able to observe in your model?

What is the energy source in your model and what does it represent?

Did you observe evapotranspiration in your model? If yes, where? If no, how could your have demonstrated it?

Where in your model does condensation occur more rapidly? How do u know?

Please guys, I have been stuck on this science portfolio for ever now, and I need help, I don't understand, I researched everything, my last choice is you guys! Thank you!

WoW that was a LOT of help(sarcastic)

I like how it's been almost 2 years and no one helped... :-( thats sad...


This didn't help as much because what you did repeat the question.

Not as helpful

Hello! I'm here to help you with your science questions. Let's break down your questions one by one and explain how to find the answers.

1. Which stages of the water cycle were you able to observe in your model?
To answer this question, you need to first understand the different stages of the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Think about the activities you performed or the elements present in your model that relate to these stages. For example, if you had a container of water that was heated to simulate evaporation, you would have observed the evaporation stage.

2. What is the energy source in your model, and what does it represent?
Consider the energy source you used in your model and how it affects the water cycle. The energy source could be sunlight, heat, or other factors that drive the process of evaporation. Explain what the energy source represents in your model, such as solar radiation providing heat energy for water to evaporate.

3. Did you observe evapotranspiration in your model? If yes, where? If no, how could you have demonstrated it?
Evapotranspiration is the combined process of water evaporation from surfaces (like water bodies) and transpiration from plants. Reflect on your model and consider if you incorporated elements that allow for the observation of evapotranspiration. If you did, describe where it occurred. If you did not observe it, think about how you could have included features like plants or soil to demonstrate this process.

4. Where in your model does condensation occur more rapidly? How do you know?
Analyze your model to determine where condensation occurs most rapidly. Consider factors such as temperature variations, the presence of cooler surfaces, or any specific design aspects of your model that promote condensation. If you observed condensation occurring on a particular surface or within a specific section of your model at a faster rate, explain why you believe this is happening and provide any evidence that supports your observation.

Remember to thoroughly describe your model and any relevant observations or experiments you conducted to support your answers. This way, you can provide a detailed explanation of how you interacted with the water cycle in your model. Good luck with your science portfolio!

Which of these stages of the water cycle were you able to observe in your model?

What was your model?
What did you observe?

What is the energy source in your model and what does it represent?

Again, what was your model? What was the energy source in YOUR model?

Do you understand why NO ONE can "give" you the answers? This was supposed to be YOUR project.