Terry earns $10 per hour at Big Bob's Burgers. Jill earns 20% less than Terry and Jerry earns $0.50 more per hour than Jill. Which expression represents how much Jerry earns? (h represents hours)

A) 7.6h
B) 8h
C) 8.5h
D) 9h

B 8.5

Jerry = Jill + 0.50 = Terry*0.8 + 0.50 = 10*.8+0.50 = 8.50

To solve this problem, let's break down the information given.

We know that Terry earns $10 per hour.

Jill earns 20% less than Terry, so we can calculate Jill's earnings by multiplying Terry's earnings by (100% - 20%).

Jill's earnings = $10 * (100% - 20%) = $10 * 80% = $8 per hour.

Jerry earns $0.50 more per hour than Jill, so we can calculate Jerry's earnings by adding $0.50 to Jill's earnings.

Jerry's earnings = $8 + $0.50 = $8.50 per hour.

Therefore, the expression that represents how much Jerry earns is:

C) 8.5h