X^2+(a-b)x+(1-a-b)=0. Find value of 'a' if roots are imaginary.

Thank you

To find the value of 'a' such that the roots of the quadratic equation are imaginary, we can use the discriminant. The discriminant is the expression inside the square root in the quadratic formula (sqrt(b^2-4ac)), and it determines the nature of the roots.

For a quadratic equation of the form Ax^2+Bx+C=0, the discriminant is given by B^2 - 4AC.

In our equation X^2 + (a-b)x + (1-a-b) = 0, the coefficients are:
A = 1
B = (a-b)
C = (1-a-b)

To have imaginary roots, the discriminant should be negative. Therefore, we can set up the inequality:

(B^2 - 4AC) < 0

Substituting the values:

(a-b)^2 - 4(1)(1-a-b) < 0

Simplifying further:

(a^2 - 2ab + b^2) + 4(a^2 - a - b + ab) - 4 < 0

Combining like terms:

5a^2 - 6ab + 3b^2 - 4a + 4b - 4 < 0

To find the value of 'a', we need to solve this inequality. However, the solution to this inequality will involve a range of values for 'a' rather than a single value.

To determine this range, we can convert the inequality to a quadratic function and analyze its graph. By graphing the function, we can identify the values of 'a' that satisfy the inequality.

Alternatively, we can simplify the inequality further by factoring the quadratic expression and analyzing each factor individually. However, this may result in a more complicated analysis considering the coefficients involved.

Overall, graphing the quadratic function would be the most efficient approach to find the range of 'a' values where the roots of the equation are imaginary.

if the roots are imaginary (not complex), there is no x term. So a=b

If there are no real roots, the discriminant is negative. So
-4(1-2a) < 0
a < 1/2

So, pick any value for a < 1/2, say, a = -1
Then b = -1 and x^2 +3 = 0