Isn't bitter love and shallow love a literary device? If so, can you help me figure out which one it is? Please and Thank you

There's no way to tell unless you provide sentences in which these words occur. So far, they are simply descriptive adjectives and the nouns they describe.

"I'ma rain, I'ma rain on this bitter love"

"I'ma wade, I'ma wave through your shallow love"

There's no rhyme since the last words in each line are already identical.

There's a whole lot of repetition in both rhythm and sound in these two lines, though.

Yes, "bitter love" and "shallow love" can be considered as literary devices used to convey specific emotions and themes in literary works. To determine which literary device is being employed, you will need to closely analyze the context and characteristics of the love being depicted.

1. Bitter Love: This literary device typically refers to a type of love that is filled with resentment, pain, or disappointment. It often portrays a love that has soured, reflecting the bitterness and negative emotions experienced by the characters involved. It can be characterized by feelings of betrayal, heartbreak, or unreciprocated longing.

To identify if bitter love is being used, consider the following:

- Look for indications of a troubled or unhappy romantic relationship.
- Observe the behavior and dialogue of the characters involved. Are they expressing discontentment, anger, or disillusionment?
- Analyze any descriptions or metaphors used to portray the love. Do they evoke a sense of bitterness or negativity?

2. Shallow Love: This literary device refers to a type of love that is superficial, lacking emotional depth or sincerity. It often showcases love that is based on superficial factors such as physical appearance, wealth, or social status, rather than genuine emotions or understanding.

To determine if shallow love is being employed, consider the following:

- Look for instances where love is portrayed as being primarily driven by superficial factors or external appearances.
- Examine the characters' motives and motivations for pursuing or engaging in the love. Is their intent purely based on surface-level qualities?
- Pay attention to any descriptions or dialogue that illustrate the lack of emotional connection or understanding between the characters.

Remember, the identification of these literary devices is subjective and can vary depending on the interpretation of the text. Analyzing the context, character interactions, and authors' use of language and imagery will help you determine whether the portrayal of love is bitter or shallow in a given literary work.