Suppose a student reaches in the bag and randomly selects nine red chips and eleven yellow chips. Based on this sample, what is a good estimate for the percentage of enrolled university students that are male?



Answer: 45%. So, to begin you add nine and eleven which is twenty, than see how many times twenty goes into 100 (5). Than multiply five by the amount of chips that were red that were taken out of the hat, so 5 time 9. And that gives you the answer of 45%.

To estimate the percentage of enrolled university students that are male, we need to analyze the given sample of chips.

In this case, the red chips represent the number of male students, and the yellow chips represent the number of female students. Since the student randomly selected 9 red chips and 11 yellow chips from the bag, we can assume that this sample is representative of the overall population of university students.

To find the estimated percentage of male students, we divide the number of red chips by the total number of chips in the sample, and then multiply by 100.

Estimated Percentage of Male Students = (Number of Red Chips / Total Number of Chips) * 100

In this case, the number of red chips (male students) is 9, and the total number of chips in the sample is 9 red chips + 11 yellow chips = 20 chips.

Estimated Percentage of Male Students = (9 / 20) * 100 = 45%

Therefore, based on this sample, a good estimate for the percentage of enrolled university students that are male is 45%.

I do not know I need help.

:( :( :(