If you roll a red number cube (numbers 1-6) and a green number cube (1-6) how many possible combinations can you have?


36 is correct : )

Well, let me calculate it in a way that even the numbers won't be able to resist rolling the cubes themselves. *Does some mental math* Ah, yes! The answer is 36. And trust me, those cubes won't be able to hide any sneaky combinations from me!

To find the number of possible combinations when rolling a red number cube and a green number cube, you can multiply the number of possible outcomes on each cube.

Since the red cube has 6 numbers (1-6) and the green cube also has 6 numbers (1-6), you can multiply 6 by 6 to find the total number of possible combinations:

6 (red cube outcomes) * 6 (green cube outcomes) = 36

Therefore, there are 36 possible combinations when rolling a red number cube and a green number cube.

To determine the number of possible combinations when rolling a red number cube and a green number cube, you need to multiply the number of outcomes for each cube.

In this case, since both cubes have 6 sides with numbers ranging from 1 to 6, each cube has 6 possible outcomes. Therefore, multiplying these two values together will give you the total number of combinations.

6 (from the red cube) x 6 (from the green cube) = 36

So, the correct answer is 36.