According to APA citation style rules, when citing a document on a website, the title of the document is

A. bolded.
B. italicized and enclosed in quotation marks.
C. italicized.
D. not enclosed in quotation marks.

My answer is C. is this right?

I am not getting clear information on

Thank you so much!

I agree.

Here is more information for you. Be sure to save the URL in your bookmark/favorites list.

1. Bookmark this website and use the left column as the table of contents:

2. On that website, click on Electronic Sources.

You're very welcome!

According to the APA citation style rules, when citing a document on a website, the title of the document is not italicized or enclosed in quotation marks. So, the correct answer is D.

To find this information on APA citation style, you can refer to the official APA website ( or consult an APA style guide. Here's how you can navigate the information on the website to find the answer:

1. Visit in your web browser.
2. On the homepage, click on the "Style and Grammar Guidelines" tab at the top of the page.
3. From the dropdown menu, select "Reference Examples."
4. On the "Reference Examples" page, you will find examples of various sources, including documents on a website.
5. Scroll down to the section specifically addressing documents on a website, and you will see the correct formatting for a document title.

By following these steps, you can find the specific information you need to correctly answer citation-related questions according to APA style.